Gold Prices Hit an All-Time High - What Does it Mean?
Gold is a very important component of jewellery and I absolutely love working with this metal. Its lush, bright-yellow color, and being non-tarnishable make it the perfect option for everyday jewellery such as engagement rings, necklaces, or earrings.

Historically, the price of gold has always trended upwards. The rate of which has dramatically increased over the past few months. That's great news for your own fine jewellery collection, proving it was a good investment. But what does it mean for Justine Quintal Fine Jewellery?
My prices have remained unchanged for the past year. Due to the rapid increase of around 20% in the price of gold since Spring 2023, I have taken the decision to increase the price of a few jewellery pieces. Certain prices will remain unchanged, but many will be increased by 10% to 15%. But don't worry! These price changes will only take effect after May 13th 2024.
Shop now to benefit from our low prices, before they get updated!